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*NEW PRODUCT* Celebrate Women in Sports 🏆 Enjoy our Game Changer Gimlet Cocktail Kit ⏤ $5 from each purchase benefits VOICEINSPORT Foundation

Beach Pace of Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia NW. Smiling with a Free Fallin' cocktail next to a bottle of Freeland Dry Gin.

Beach Pace, Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia NW

Meet this quarter’s Free Spirit, Beach Pace.  Beach is the CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia NW serving youth in the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Initially starting her service journey in the military and then spending the past 17 years in the social change sector specifically in service to youth, Beach has a deep belief in the power of mentorship.  

Since 1904, Big Brothers Big Sisters has operated under the belief that inherent in every child is incredible potential. As part of the national Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia NW makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers ("Bigs") and children ("Littles"), ages 6 through young adulthood. The goal is that every child graduates from high school with a plan for their future and a mentor whose impact lasts a lifetime.  

During her tasting at Freeland, Beach fell in love with the flavor and comfort of the cocktail featuring apples as it brought her back to her own youth and picking apples in the fall. Cheers to Beach for her dedication to service and commitment to youth mentorship. In celebration of her work, a portion of the proceeds from sales of our Free Fallin’ cocktail kits will go to support youth in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia NW (BBBS CNW) program. We will also be hosting an upcoming celebration in her honor and benefiting BBBS CNW so be on the lookout on social media and our newsletters. 

Beach Pace, CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia NW. Freeland Spirits Q4 Free Spirit, 2023. Smiling with a Free Fallin' cocktail next to a bottle of Freeland Dry Gin.Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest logo


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