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** 20% of Fresh cocktail mixers thru Memorial Day with code FRESH! Free local delivery to Portland Metro for orders $75+ **

Spring Fever Fresh Mixer

Regular price $20.00

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4 in stock

Team Freeland infuses, blends, and bottles the Fresh mixers. Perfect for the home bartender!

Spring Fever: grapefruit + lemon juice, rhubarb bitters, rosemary simple syrup, Peychaud’s bitters

Any other rhubarb fanatics out there? Whether it’s a Strawberry Rhubarb Pie, a jam, or in this case - a cocktail - we hope that this satisfies the craving. This mixer is a combination of fresh grapefruit juice, lemon juice, rosemary simple syrup, rhubarb bitters, and Peychaud’s bitters, and is sure to knock you right into your lawn chairs for a refreshing way to imbibe during Oregon’s season to shine.

Spring Fever

2 oz Freeland Bourbon
3 oz Spring Fever

Stir in glass, or shake, and serve over ice.


grapefruit + lemon juice, rhubarb bitters, rosemary simple syrup, Peychaud’s bitters

Refrigeration Required:

Freeland Fresh cocktail mixers require refrigeration and should not be left out! Fresh mixers are best within 2-3 weeks of ordering, but please pick up your order within 5 days to guarantee freshness and availability.

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